Monday, April 14, 2014

Book Blast Review: Task Force: Gaea, Finding Balance

Title: Task Force: Gaea, Finding Balance
Author: David Berger
Rating: 3 out of 5 Feathers
Recommend? Yes
Note: I received this book in return for an honest review.
Let me just say this first: this was not what I expected when I began reading it. And that is definitely a good thing!
In the beginning, the jump between time periods was moderately confusing. At the same time, though, you got this feeling that is was still very necessary for the story to be told just that way. When looking at the cover and reading the title, I imagined the book would be about a small group of individuals striving to save something important; but it was so much more. The first half does feel like it is really slow to get started, but it is so worth the wait to stick to it. You have to really pay attention and remember things from the first half as well. There are key points towards the end that come together with pieces from the beginning, which aren't mentioned at all during the middle of the book. As always with any good book, there is a cliffhanger. At least this one is not so bold that you feel cheated, but dominant enough to make you want to read more. I'm already excited to see where this little group is headed and read about the new adventures they face in Memory's Curse, the sequel to Finding Balance. I hope I've persuaded you to give this book a shot, I promise it won't let you down!

During the age of Olympos, when a vengeful goddess shatters the Sacred Scales, both immortals and humans alike suffer. Apollo, the god of truth, goes from a glorious existence as The Shining One to a victim of Zeus’ wrath, and his journey makes him question his godhood, his role in the cosmos, and his views on humanity. Prophecy and the Fates direct his course, and he must make difficult, yet vital, choices. Millennia pass, and Dan, Aleta, Brandon, and Sarah—four reluctant modern-day heroes gifted by ancient civilizations born of the gods—bound by prophecy, have to choose whether or not to save their world when it could mean they never existed. They must master their new powers while battling against incomprehensible forces from the Underworld and repairing the Sacred Scales, destroyed long ago. With the equilibrium between Order and Chaos unhinged, and the Olympian gods struggling to exist, these four must ally themselves with the United Nations to protect an endangered world, becoming the only group who can fight against metaphysical threats to the Earth, forging Task Force: Gaea. Can mortals succeed where gods cannot go?

Amazon | Smashwords | BN

David Berger
Boston born, I grew up on Long Island in New York, and have my B.A. in English with a Master's in Secondary Education. I currently teach AP English Literature, IB English, and Creative Writing in Land O' Lakes, FL. My avid appreciation for fantasy fiction came from a childhood love of Greek mythology and comic books, especially Wonder Woman. Stemming from this literary love affair, I published my first novel, Task Force: Gaea—Finding Balance, in February 2012.

In addition to my fantasy writing, I have written poetry, much of which was influenced by my travels abroad, namely to Ireland. My hibernophilia extends not only to a great love of the Emerald Isle itself, but also to the writers who hail from there, namely W. B. Yeats, and I studied this poet in a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship at the National University of Ireland in Galway in 2005.

Additionally, I have traveled to Spain, France, and England—all with trips I have led with students—and hope to show more of my students what the world beyond Florida looks like.

I'm "living the dream," as it were, and I love life—I just hope it loves me in return. I reside in Land O' Lakes, FL with my partner of 13 years, Gavi, and our two cats, Yankel and Shayna.

Official Author Website  |  Series Website  |  Series Facebook Page  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads

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